Season 45 Opera Fort Collins Donors

Underwriter ($10,000+)

The City of Fort Collins Fort Fund

Elizabeth Elliott                                              

Maestro ($5000+)

Curtain Raisers ($1000+)

Mary Crow- In honor of Elizabeth Elliott               

Emily Murdock              

Nancy Ostheimer- In honor of John M Ostheimer

Park-Woodson Foundation    

Walmart #6109                                           

Carl and Ann Wilmsen

Benefactor (750+)

  Elizabeth Millikan      


Impresario ($500+)

Jill Williams in memory of Robert Williams


Applause ($250+)­                                          

Norma Andersen

Gail Draper- Dedicated to Bettina Larrarte       

Jan Gilligan and John Waples

John Jernigan

German and Bettina Larrarte

Judy Lovass

Chester Moore                                                           

Sally Murdock

Gary Robinson

Samantha Jo Staggs

Susanne and Jon Stephens

Joanna Stone

Walmart # 4599

 Club 100 ($100+)

Jillian Antinora

Linda Bjelland

LaVon Blaesi  

Carlos Bonilla 

Daniel Butcher

Ian Caiozzi

Colorado Gives Foundation

Ellen and Jim Cooney

Carolyn Darr

David Dennis

Steven Dornseif

Julie Dunn

Paul Eckhoff

Kay and Larry Edwards

Deanna and Scott Franklin

Frank and Kay Gillespie

Michael Gorgan

Mary and Randall Hammock

Jane Haycraft                                                                                                 

Dona Parker Horne

L.V. Hurtado   

Catherine Janonis            

Marie Krizanovic  

Drs. Jean and David Lehman                                                                                                         

Maxine Maciel                                               

Melissa Malde  

Ed and Cindy Miron

Douglas and Rosemary Moore  

Kathryn Noble

Ruth Potter

Doug & Shirla Race                                                                                            

Charles and Patricia Smith                                                                      

F D Springberg and Lindy Burnham

Laura Stuntz

Wendy Sultzman

Bernd and Marta Wachter

Kersey Wahlquist

Friends of the Opera (1+)

Dennis Bigelow

Nat Clements

Dana Cole

Stephen Coppick

Theodora Cox

Frits and Marie Dautzenberg

Ann Donoghue

Roger Grant

Gordon and Linda Hadlow

Leigh Henline- In memory of Sam Henline

Alexis Hmielak

Mary Holmes

Carol Hotto

Wendy Ishii- in honor of Elizabeth Elliott

Cheryl Juneau

Karen Lampke

Ursula Lynch

Megan Marino

Cathryn Martino

Margo Matthews

Robert Michael

Mary Ann Moore

Jennifer Sajbel

Bryan Schumann

Elizabeth Stanley

Ruth Harmony Tucker

April Warren

Deborah Wurdack